Engagement & Coalitions

We blend on-the-ground community engagement with high-level strategic alignment, bringing direct understanding of how equitable processes can drive work, rather than answer to it.



We continue to strengthen our relationships with impacted communities to deepen the integrity of development work. Our mission is to vertically integrate community perspective throughout any given development strategy. When projects are informed by community perspective; community knowledge is also reciprocally uplifted through project transparency and education.


There's strength in numbers. We help bring together diverse groups, creating change that would be impossible to deliver as independent individuals or separate organizations. Through coalition building, the following is achieved: centralized strategy; improved communication on critical and controversial issues; multi-leveraged funding opportunities; more readily available resources; elimination of duplicated efforts; improved public image for projects and initiatives; and better needs assessments.


Diverse perspectives and expertise deliver strategies that are relevant and durable. To get there, we partner with trusted community based organizations to mobilize community members' often untapped perspectives.

Our work seeks to create a circular feedback loop between community members and project executors, and to deliver unified strategy and leverage greater funding.

  • We host listening sessions and workshops
  • We recruit and develop advisory committees
  • We translate feedback into deep listening reports
  • We inform project strategy
  • We provide community-led direction and course-correction
  • We coordinate community coalitions across regional development initiatives

Our team members are experienced in the design and execution of integrated communications for education and training, and for simplifying complex technological information for all types of audiences and all levels of comprehension.